It all started when...
Andreas played Shel Silverstein songs to win Jana's heart. They were married three months later and the music has never stopped. Kids followed. And bands. And kids learning instruments. Niko picked up the drums and Rachel took piano lessons. When she asked for a guitar at ten everything changed. Niko had also been learning guitar and the two started writing songs: some together, most within the privacy of their own minds. Open mics followed, then a recording--Sibling Rivalry and Sibling Rivalry Rematch. A band was born--THE LAVENS. Andreas played the bass, sang a bit, hauled equipment and drove the bus. Jana sang harmony and some lead vocals, booked the band, and handled the social media. Together making music for the last fourteen years, touring Texas then US, Canada, and England. Solo careers and albums for both Niko and Rachel, day jobs and musical side projects for all don't detract from the roots of this family band who still find time to play together.
The Family That Plays Together, Stays Together!